Sand and Serenity Counseling, LLC

Treatment Specialties and Therapies

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

A very serious condition which includes a variety of domains: Life-threatening events and injuries, such as combat experience; sexual assault and rape; natural disasters; and severe motor vehicle accidents. Although some traumatic events (such as bullying, or sudden loss of a loved one or romantic partner) might not meet the diagnostic criteria for the disorder, the prolonged effects they cause can, nonetheless, make life exceptionally hard on those who’ve endured them
These events may cause symptoms which disrupt people’s thoughts, emotions and behaviors:
**Of particular concern are the body’s reactions to long-term trauma-related stress: chronic pain, digestive problems, cardiac and respiratory challenges
By conducting a thorough assessment, I can determine how Posttraumatic Stress has impacted you. This enables me to design a plan which allows you to make peace with the past and to live more comfortably in the present. This sometimes includes collaborating with other professionals on your health team to promote whole-person wellness.

Complex trauma

For various reasons, some people don’t receive the nurturing they need during their neonatal, childhood, and adolescent growth phases. This makes it particularly hard for them to regulate emotions and to form strong attachments to others. Similarly, victims of ongoing physical and/or emotional abuse often develop significant mental health challenges, such as anxiety, bitterness, and anger
To help people who have been or continue to be affected in these ways, I frequently blend treatments. This helps to untangle what are often deeply tangled thoughts and feelings. While doing so, I work with you to define your boundaries and values, to develop problem-solving skills to overcome life challenges, to discover your interests (maybe even your passions!), and to like and believe in yourself. Some of the stuff you may not have received earlier in life…

Co-occurring Disorders

Often, the ways in which people cope with trauma unintentionally spawn or contribute to other destructive behaviors. In cases such as these, I partner with you to establish stability and to build new, more adaptive coping skills. This commonly leads to productive exploration and processing of underlying trauma issues
**The conditions listed above are ones in which I specialize; however, I also have experience in treating additional disorders. Included in these are Schizophrenic Spectrum, Bipolar, and Dissociative Identity. If you believe that I can help you or a loved one in any of these areas, please contact me!

Treatments I Use

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Helps patients to challenge thoughts which may contribute to negative emotions; promotes exploration of values and fears

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Encourages development of emotional regulation skills, adaptive responses to stressors, sense of identity

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Through carefully-modulated exposure and stimulation techniques, patients begin to perceive traumatic events in self- empowering manner; also improves tolerance of distress in the body

Motivational Interviewing

A powerful tool for establishing goals, pushing through resistance, and rebounding from setbacks

12-Step Methods

Borrowed from the groups which formulated them, the principles contained within can be used to diffuse anger, understand motives and expectations, improve interpersonal relations, and enhance self-worth

Mindfulness and Meditation

Promotes mental focus and relaxation through use of guided imagery, breathing techniques, muscle movement, and body awareness

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